Monday, May 23, 2011

Don't Fry Day

Don't Fry Day

Friday is my birthday and now its also national don't fry day. So please check out the site and learn more about skin cancer, melanoma, and how to prevent them

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Silver boobies

Well Jett turned 6 months old yesterday. He was born late at night so I didn't get to feed him til the next day so today I earned my silver booby award... he is up to half formula half breastmilk in his sippy cups but I still nurse him at night and twice during the day. But It's going ok. At least I know I have gotten him through 6 months. I feel accomplished with that at least

Thursday, May 19, 2011

No such luck

And of course I was hopeful about the babysitter job and I just got a message today that they decided to use a day care instead. :( would have been the perfect job... sigh

Monday, May 16, 2011


Well hubby and I had talked about me getting a job. I really didn't wanna have to leave Jett, with both of us working and watching Jett neither of us would get much sleep. But I found a listing for a babysitter job here in town. I applied and heard back today. So hopefully I will get that job. It's Monday thru Thursday,  pays 75-100 a week and I can bring Jett. I meet the family this afternoon so wish me luck. :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another day

Well not a lot has changed.  Hubby is still studying for the asvab and has been running 2 miles almost every day to get in shape. Jett went thru a couple days of extreme fussing and I wanted to pull my hair out but he's back to his usual self now. The only good thing about those fussy days is I got him to nap long enough for hubby and I to have a little us time. Today Jett and I are going to visit some friends. We may take an attempt at swimming. Just hope it doesn't rain or we won't be going anywhere.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My first mother's day

Today is boring but bittersweet. It is my first mother's day as a mom but also my first without my mom. My hubby came home with a nice card and some candy this morning. Other than that I've just been doing the usual. I also made the hard decision today to start weaning Jett onto formula. I've breastfed up til now. I still plantmm him having breastmilk mixed with formula and to nurse at night until he's 6 months old... gotta earn my silver booby award since I'm so close. But I am slowly weaning. I just feel like its taken over my life. I have a whole drawer full of shirts I can't wear because I can't breastfeed in them, I can barely pump 3oz at a time so I think this switch will be good. It's just hard I've come so far just giving breastmilk. I'm trying to get Jett to nap. And of course he's fighting it. I'm also making taco soup for dinner... Yum

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Down days

I hate down days. Today hubby was in a little bit of a mood. Not sure if it was just because of his back hurting or because of something I did or what.I'm hoping he feels better and we are better soon. Sigh. Plus I think this Mirena is causing me to have hot flashes, dizzy spells, and fatigue. It's not fun at all. :(

Friday, May 6, 2011


Well hubby and I have had a lot to overcome since Jett was born. Between becoming a mom and losing mine, I lost myself. I have become one of those women who only think like a mom and forget to think like a woman. So we have been working on that. Jett is doing ok in his crib. I just wish he would start sleeping longer instead of waking up so often. Hubby has also decided he needs to do more with his life. He's tired of dead end jobs that don't support our family. He has always felt a man should serve his country in one way or another and provide for his family. So he is working on joining the military.... leaning toward the marines... I never really pictured myself as a military wife, even tho I have been an army wife in the past, but this just feels right. He is studying a lot for the asvab so he can get the best score possible for him, and is getting excited. It makes me proud to see him so set on this and knowing his reasons. I love him so much, I'm starting to get excited as well.