Thursday, March 24, 2011

Zoo trip

We took Jett to the zoo for the first time on Wednesday. It was a ton of fun. It was about an hour and a half drive, he slept most of the way. I had to feed him 3 times at the zoo but we kept getting interrupted since there was so much going on and he wanted to look around. But hey I breastfed in public so go me. We even got to feed the giraffe so he got to see one close up. After the last feeding while we were there he fell asleep while we were walking around. It was a good day and we got some good pics. :) just one of many fun trips to come as he grows

4 month appt

Jett's 4 month appt was Monday. He's a big boy. He weighs 21.4lbs and is 27in long. Doc said he looks good and will likely have a tooth come in within the next month or so. Also we talked about baby food and she was perfectly happy with the fact I had already started so 'ha' to everyone who always complains about me giving him food. Also he had his second round of shots. He did better with them and daddy was able to get him calmed down pretty good. He was super fussy that day and had a low fever the next. But he's back to himself again. Also he rolled over from his belly to his back Tuesday night I was so excited!! He's growing up too fast

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Admitting depression

My fiance and I were talking the other day. Things have been really hard since Jett was born. We finally sat down and got everything out in the open. He said I haven't been the same since coming back from ny, I haven't been me. Well I got thinking about it and he's right. I haven't felt like me since July... since my mom died. I haven't wanted to do anything, I haven't been interested in anything I used to like... So it hits me... I'm depressed. Now we are working to get things back to the way they should be, and I am working to find myself again. I love my little man, he has been a security blanket for me since he was born. But I need to figure out how to be me again if I'm going to have any hope of teaching him. I've battled depression before so I know I can do it I just have to focus and push through, for me and my little family.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So much on my mind

Lately there is so much random stuff on my mind. I have been breastfeeding my little man for almost 4 months now and its gone great. Tho part of me wishes I had just pumped. Then again the other part of me loves the closeness it has made but now he won't take bottles and has horrible separation anxiety if I leave. I also think I need him so much because I miss my mom so much ... I'm just a bundle of emotions lately