Thursday, March 17, 2011

Admitting depression

My fiance and I were talking the other day. Things have been really hard since Jett was born. We finally sat down and got everything out in the open. He said I haven't been the same since coming back from ny, I haven't been me. Well I got thinking about it and he's right. I haven't felt like me since July... since my mom died. I haven't wanted to do anything, I haven't been interested in anything I used to like... So it hits me... I'm depressed. Now we are working to get things back to the way they should be, and I am working to find myself again. I love my little man, he has been a security blanket for me since he was born. But I need to figure out how to be me again if I'm going to have any hope of teaching him. I've battled depression before so I know I can do it I just have to focus and push through, for me and my little family.