Wednesday, February 2, 2011

emotional and exhausted

Being a stay at home mom with a high maintenance 2 1/2 month old is hard. Jett is one of those babies that seems to get board easy and wants to be held and played with all the time. Which makes cooking and housework near impossible. Sigh. On top of that he's had trouble sleeping lately. He cries and fights going to sleep then has bad dreams and wakes up crying. I don't know what to do...
On top of it all I'm starting to not feel so well. Watery eyes, tired, slightly stuffy nose, and pain in my stomach tho that's likely from the stupid birth control pills


Jesse's Girl! said...

lol sounds like my little guy around when he was 2 1/2 months. They are sooo needy its like they have their little fingers wrapped around us.