Saturday, January 29, 2011

my big baby... update on 2month appt and other tidbits

Little man is now 10weeks old. His appt didn't go too bad he weighed in at 17lbs 2oz and measured 24.5in long... he'a a BIG boy! He got 3 shots and a liquid one. I had to give him the liquid since I give him meds everyday so I'm the 'expert' as the nurse put it. He screamed so hard during the shots and held daddy's hand. I teared up of course. He calmed down pretty quick and I nursed him. Then he fell right asleep. We met a friend for lunch. He woke up a few times while we ate but just stared at the booth back. :( we gave him some tylenol later and he fussed a few times later but was pretty good overall. The pediatrician had also told us to give cereal in his bottle twice a day... ha! He won't even take a bottle since the last day I worked when he started refusing it and screamed for over an hour. So this should be interesting. Stanford's taxes came in so we have been getting a lot of stuff. I got Jett a bath chair which I can't wait to try out. Also we might look into cloth diapering and.some tips for homemade baby food later on. Now if only I could get the hang of cleaning with a baby in my arms lol


Mom on the Run said...

You do have a healthy boy. We had shots this week and it was so hard to watch. At least it is over with. I am stopping by from the Baby Center Group. Glad to find other moms to follow.